Products and Market

Blue Generation commercializes SmartCOx technology, a proven high-efficiency and economically competitive Carbon Capture product. Our market is oriented to customers that use CO2 as raw material and/or customers that emit CO2.

SmartCOx technology is based on two different process, a Gases Treatment to clean, dry, pressurize and temper exhaust gases from industries that use fossil fuels to produce Primary Energy, and a second CO2 Capture Process that captures and concentrates CO2. SmartCOx has a minimum impact on our customer installations.

Our Product Features

    Standard design.
    Plug and play design.
    Conventional systems and equipment.
    Friendly operation.
    Minimum energy penalty.
    Minimum operation impact on customer activities.
    Low maintenance.
    No sorption material replacement.
    Small carbon footprint.
    Absence of intermediate substances with environmental impact.
    Large product life (20 to 40 years).