R & D

SmartCOx technology has been developed over the last 7 years. Blue Generation continues dedicating a huge effort to offer advanced Carbon Capture solutions and CO2 uses.
SmartCOx technology starts on 2010 as a conceptual idea. The CENIT VIDA project (2010-2013) develops the basic CCS design. The EEA Grant SMARTCOX project (2014-2015) performs the concept test and operational functions successfully. The LIFE+ CO2FORMARE project proves; design, manufacture, assembly and put in service of the Carbon Capture and Concentration prototype (2014-2017) and concludes with the final side acceptance tests.
New researching lines are opened aimed at optimizing an adapting the SmarCOx technology for all kind of CO2 emitters, including their applicability in means of transport such as ships and trains and promoting the profitable and emerging uses of CO2 as a contribution to the industrial change of the economic and productive model.